Do you read or write allied health reports about people with communication disability?
Yes? Please talk to me for my research! I want to know: When written information is accessible it means that it is easier to read and understand. Findings from this research will be used to improve allied health reports written for and about people with communication disability. I would...
The readers, the writers and the documents: A scoping review of the information accessibility and health literacy demands of allied health reports
PhD Presentation to Univesity of Technology Sydney Speech Pathology Symposium (SEER) 2nd Dec, 2020 The literature review informing this presentation has been published: Turnbull, H., Dark, L., Skinner, I., & Hemsley, B. (2020). The readers, the writers, and the documents: A scoping review of the information accessibility, and health...
The importance of access to information
We are fortunate to live in an age where information is at our fingertips almost constantly. Many people can now reach out to a piece of technology (a computer, smart phone, even their smart fridge!) and find information on just about anything (What will be the temperature today? Where...